Wakasa History Museum [若狭歴史博物館]
Wakasa History Museum
Photo by Fukui Prefectual Tourism Federation
Zone of Buddha statue
Photo by Fukui Prefectual Tourism Federation
Wakasa History Museum is a museum introducing the history of Wakasa area and Obama city.
It is located about 350 meters east of JR Higashi-Obama station.
And it is about 4 km east of Obama station.
This museum has three zones.
In the first zone, some statues of Buddha in Wakasa area are exhibited.
Most of them were created between the 10th and 12th century.
Some of them are elaborate reproductions because the real statues are in the temple or difficult to display.
Zone of festival
Photo by Fukui Prefectual Tourism Federation
Zone of history in Wakasa
Photo by Fukui Prefectual Tourism Federation
In the second zone, the festivals and traditional performing arts in Wakasa area are introduced.
In the third zone, the history of Wakasa area is introduced.
Especially, Wakasa as important supply center of marine foods is the main viewpoint, and that is explained with relevance to ancient Kyoto and marine transportation on the Sea of Japan.
How to get here
Run for 350 meters by rental bicycle or car from Higashi-Obama station.